Is PNF stretching effective for the neck? But, what is PNF stretching? Have you ever heard of it? Have you ever done it?

PNF is the name of a very effective stretching technique. For example, if you have ever experienced neck pain, you might have been told to stretch the muscle. Hold it and push it. Gently continue pushing just for a little longer and then relax. Does that sound familiar? This means that you have done PNF stretching before. PNF stretching is not new, it has been around for a while. Actually, I demonstrated one example of PNF strething in the video First Words on Neck Health.

Then what is it? What is PNF? PNF is an acronym for Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation, a technique originally used in clinical rehabilitation, performed with a partner. The partner helps to hold the muscle to provide resistance, creating more effectiveness. Having a partner is helpful, but you can also perform PNF stretches by yourself. When we talk about neck muscles, it is easy since you can use just your hand.The technique involves to stretch and to contract the muscle before stretching again.

Here I will focus on one of the methods of PNF stretching for the neck. 

Why should I take time out to perform PNF stretching?

PNF stretching is effective for increasing flexibility and mobility and reducing tightness and neck pain, relaxing the muscles. If you, like many people, spend long hours in one position, such as sitting in front of a computer, driving, and texting, you can benefit from PNF stretching. The results of PNF stretching can be felt immediately, helping to reduce the tension that could interfere with freedom of movement. Besides these benefits, it is possible to do it at home without having any expenses. However, you need to do it correctly to really feel the pain relief and keep a healthy neck.

How to perform PNF stretching on the neck?

I´m going to describe three ways you can stretch your neck using the PNF technique.

One way is the bending of your head to the side, looking ahead. If you are experiencing neck pain, just do the side that is not hurting. Put light pressure with your hand over your head, going as far as you can without increasing your pain. A quick tip for you: put your other arm down, placing your hand towards the back. You will feel more of stretch. Hold it for few seconds and then relax. Repeat it 3 times.

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Strech by bending the head to the side looking ahead

Another stretch is rotating your head, looking to the side. Twist your head as far as you can, remember, without increasing your pain. Hold your head for few seconds so it doesn´t move back to the original position, and then relax. Repeat it 3 times, and then twist to the other side repeating the same stretch.

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Stretch by rotating the head looking to the side

Finally, there is the bending of your head forward, trying to touch your chest with your chin. Put light pressure on your head. Hold it for few seconds and then relax. Then bend your head backward, looking up for few seconds and then relax. Always apply just light pressure and repeat it 3 times.

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Stretch by bending the head forward and backward

When is the time to do it?

PNF stretching is very effective for relieving neck pain when the muscle of the neck is tight and stiff. However, it is also effective to increase flexibility and mobility, improving the range of motion and the performance of daily activities. Excellent results can be obtained by performing these stretches at least twice a week.  

I hope you all have enjoyed learning, or being reminded, of how to improve the health of your neck, taking preventive actions and incorporating balance in your life.

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